Wednesday, June 1, 2016

End of Year Accomplishments

For all those in 1C and 1N - your year in Grade 1 is over!

Congrats to all students for making it through the 2015-2016 school year. We accomplished a lot of learning and had a lot of fun along the way!

Here are a few photos of the students who achieved an A or A+ on their final report card in English.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Greatness in Grammar

Yesterday we celebrated the students who received 100% (20 out of 20) on the final English Grammar exam.

Students got a certificate to show their achievements!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Early Dismissal for End of Year

Please note that from May 23rd until May 31st the school will be following a short schedule. These days will be ending at 12:00 - students will be ready for pickup at 11:50 in the playground.

All students in 1C and 1N will be expected to be at school from 7:25 until 12:00 as they still have important exams and classwork.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April Exam Schedule

Here is the exam schedule for April.

Please note that the English exams are just the regularly scheduled Sight Words quiz and Grammar quiz. These two tests are normally given on this Thursday anyways. No special or extra studying is necessary for the English exams.

Thank you! Happy studying!

Date اليوم/
Required lessonsالدروس المطلوبة/
Sunday 10/4/2016
لغة عربية

الدرسان: الخامس ص78 والأول ص 94 مع التدريبات .
مهارة المد بأنواعه ( المد بالألف والواو والياء ).
جمع الكلمات ( بيت ، حديقة ، مدرسة ، فصل ).
مفرد ( غرف ) ، ضد ( سعيدة ) .
وضع الكلمات التالية في جمل ( حديقة ، تعيش ،  نحرص ، مرتبة )
إملاء في الجملة الآتية :  ( نَحْنُ نُحَافِظُ عَلَى غُرَفِ بَيْتِنَا مُرَتَّبَة . ) 
امتحان عملي ( في الصف)
Monday 11/4/2016
Study chapter 6: Lessons: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7.
Solve the review sheets and bring them back on the day of the test.
امتحان عملي ( في الصف)
Tuesday 12/4/2016
Study Unit 9 lesson 1:
Pages 326,328,329,330,331,332 and the related worksheets.
Study Unit 7 lesson 3:
Pages 274,275,276,278,280,282,283,284 and the related worksheets.
Wednesday 13/4/2016
-الدرس الرابع من مجال السيرة النبوية ( مولد رسولي محمد )    
- الدرس الخامس من السيرة النبوية ( طفولة رسولي محمد )      
الدرس الخامس من التهذيب ( أصل أرحامي )   -
امتحان عملي ( في الصف)
Thursday 14/4/2016
Commands Grammar Quiz (study review sheet - sent home by Sunday April 10)
Sight Word Quiz

Spelling and Sight Words - This Week

Hi Parents and Students, here are the spelling and sight words for this week:
      Spelling words (chin, chop, much, chip, rich, chick, child, such, catch, match).
(Test Sunday, Apr. 10)

Sight words (been, never, own, brown, off, very, know, out, spots, many).
(Quiz Thursday, Apr. 7).

Monday, March 28, 2016

Spelling and Sight Words - This Week

Although it is a short week - we have our regular Spelling and Sight Words tests.

Spelling words (the, than, path, their, those, tooth, moth, these, thick, theme).(Test Sunday, Apr. 3)
Sight words (through, know, any, want, shark, deep, before, around, pond, use).(Quiz Thursday, Mar. 31).