Tuesday, January 26, 2016

All About Adjectives!

We have been focusing on the concept of adjectives in English class. An adjective is a describing word.

We focused on SIZE words (big, small, long, short, wide, narrow), COLOR words (red, blue, green, yellow, pink), SHAPE words (square, flat, round, rectangle), NUMBER words (one sock, two feet, three pencils) and POSITIVE words (nice, beautiful, pretty, good, fun, happy).

To help students understand how we can use adjectives to describe different nouns - we made visuals.

A tree can be many things - tall, old, brown etc.

A butterfly can be many things - colorful, pretty, small etc.

A flower can be many things - tall, pink, cute etc.

An apple can be many things - yummy, shiny, round etc.

We also used adjectives in our journal writing. Adjectives help to add detail.

To practice at home: Ask your children to describe something for you (their bedroom, the cat, your outfit, the house...)

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